So, it's been a while since I've posted, and it's been a crazy couple of months, but it's been good. My sister got married, I started a new job at Medtronic, and I've been able to go to Nett Lake many many times. The pastor's daughter Maggie died of her cancer last October, so that was one of the hardest months ever. I was really close to her, and also to her whole family. It's just not fair, and it's hard for me to think about things like that when no one else around me seems to care what happens to her. The youth group that I work with in Spring Lake Park recently folded and became Eagle Brook, which I am not excited for. They have never supported missions, and when I asked them if they could try and help the Lasley family, all I was told they could do is try and pray, because they didn't have the budget because they were redoing all of their buildings. They can't pay for one missionary? Their multi-million dollar budget? Oh please. I just think we can all do more-mega churches can do more. We NEED to do more.
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