Angie's Blog

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Summer's here!

Summer is coming up fast, and everyone is talking about everything that is going on. Summer is a big time in churches, especially in youth groups, because I know that summer is the time when mission trips and fundraisers and other trips happen. It's a crazy time, but a good one. Right now I just kind of want to post on how the people going on mission trips need to be. All the money can come in, everything can be set as far as that is concerned, but if we go into it without the right heart, without the right attitude, then nothing we do there wil matter much. There needs to be a complete understanding that these trips are for the glory of God, they are to be used to further his kingdom. And obviously that is done through a lot of ways, but it's important to realize that there is an opportunity to witness to someone in every instance of our lives, we just need to sit back and actually recognize it. It's also a time to have fun and be crazy, and show everyone that Christians can have fun to. But ultimately, at the root of everything, there has to be Christ.


At May 8, 2007 at 11:53 PM , Blogger erry said...

hi angie, your blog is kind of amazing, i feel blessed reading it. i'm from Malaysia (southeast Asia), my church too having lots of activities as your church. last time while i was in college, i was actively involve in mission trips and all those reaching out activities through our youth ministry. Now since i start building my career, i slow down a little bit, but it was not an excuse, i'm still actively incolve in intercession and sometimes seminar, fund raising and teaching which happen in the weekends. keep on blogging as a blessing for others around the world and God bless u and your family abundantly.


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