Angie's Blog

Monday, April 30, 2007

Go God

Short-term mission trips are one of the most common types of missions done throughout the world, and in my opinion do so many valuable things. At times it seems as though they are overlooked or perhaps overshadowed because of all the other things churches do. However, they are imperative to spreading the gospel to others around the world. And these mission trips don't have to be out of the country. There are many places, such as th Marie Sandvick Center in Minneapolis, or Nett Lake or other Indian Reservations. It just seems as though we all want to help, but everyone thinks that someone else will take care of it, so why should we bother? Every year, millions of dollars are spent on entertainment. I spend way more than I should on clothes and other entertainment. If we all tried a little harder to save our money and put it towards something really useful, we could help so many people, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Every 3 minutes someone is martyred for their faith, according to the Voice of the Martyr's website. We could help that number go down. We could bring the faith of Jesus to so many if we just stopped and really thought about what we were doing. We need to step up. Every year when my team goes to Nett Lake, we all give up a week of working, of making money. Not to mention all the meetings and planning sessions that go into it beforehand. But we all do it willingly because of what that place means to us. I would do anything for those children at that reservation. I have never experienced anything like Nett Lake, nor have I been anywhere before or since where I fel so used by God and so genuinely happy. I hope and pray that one day everyone will have a place they can say that about.


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